Bruno Kreisky Foundation

for Human Rights

Kreisky Prize for reporters imprisoned in Syria

06/11/13 Kreisky Prize for reporter imprisoned in Syria > KleineZeitung 1/1
Last updated: 06/10/2013 at 07:26

The Bruno Kreisky Prize for services to human rights goes to the
Syrian journalist and activist Mazen Darwish, who has been in power by the regime since February 2012
being held in custody under President Assad. Darwish will be honored for standing up for
freedom of the press and the disappearance of reporters in his
The reason given was that I had drawn attention to my homeland.
Darwish established the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) in 2004
founded together with other activists and, according to the broadcast, about the
reported the situation of political prisoners in his home country. Because of his
A travel ban was imposed on Darwish for Engagements back in 2007.
He was arrested several times, most recently in February 2012 when the offices were stormed
his organization. To date he has not been released. His wife will take his place
Yara Bader presented the award on Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the state hall of the National Library in
receive Vienna.
The Ethiopian human rights activist Bogaletch Gebre is also honored loudly
Kreisky Foundation for her tireless and successful fight against women
genital mutilation in their home country. She and her sister have them
"Kembatti Mentti Gezzimma-Tope" (KGM) group was founded, which operates in Ethiopia to this day
campaigns for women's rights and marginalized groups. In addition to this, the KGM
women's health and education programs.
As a third party, Cecily Corti, chairwoman of the St. Vincent Community of St. Stephen and
Co-founder of the homeless facility VinziRast in Vienna, the award. the
VinziRast in Vienna-Meidling is an emergency shelter with 48 additional beds for the homeless
the VinziRast-CortiHaus with 16 apartments was added in 2008 and in 2011
opened a residential community for alcoholic homeless people. Corti has been among others with
the Golden Medal of Merit