asylum coordination austria
Since 1991, asylum coordination Austria has been linking NGOs and initiatives that support, advise and look after those seeking protection in Austria. Strategies are developed together with partner organizations and networked action is made possible. Asylum Coordination Austria organizes networks of legal advisors, psychotherapists and care centers for refugee orphans. Asylkoordination Österreich is also well networked at European level and regularly participates in international projects. As part of its sponsorship project connecting people, asylum coordination austria has contributed more than 800 times to refugee orphans being able to gain a foothold with the help of people living in Austria. Asylkoordination Österreich points out abuses in Austrian asylum practice and draws the public's attention to them. This is done, for example, by organizing press conferences. In addition, the asylum coordination Austria is available to journalists with its extensive knowledge and coordinates dozens of organizations in campaigns such as KIND ist KIND or #fair Lassen.
Up to 40 further training events are offered every year for colleagues from the asylum sector, and school workshops on the topics of flight, asylum and racism are held for schoolchildren of all ages.