Martin Hochegger was primarily influenced by the "liberation theology" developed in Latin America and its concept of partisan solidarity with marginalized and oppressed population groups. This should include Martin Hochegger's work as a religious education teacher, as a committed "Brigadista" in Nicaragua, as well as a founding member of the "Graz Office for Peace and Development", long-standing chairman of the ZEBRA association, but also his commitment to setting up an escort program for traumatized war refugees, as an uncoverer of the mistreatment of children with disabilities in the Styrian psychiatric ward, as a reformer in a management position in a facility for children with disabilities after profound traumatization through excessive experiences of violence and sexual abuse. Martin Hochegger was also active as a voluntary supporter in the development of inclusive educational structures in the national and international environment. Martin Hochegger is currently focusing on the accommodation, education and care of children with albinism in inclusive schools in Tanzania. Killings or grisly injuries continue to occur in some regions of Tanzania, as eating parts of these children's bodies is believed to bring good luck when searching for gold and rare earths.