Rosa Jochmannn was born in 1901 in Vienna. She had an interest in politics from a young age and took part in demonstrations and meetings. In 1926 she became a secretary for the Chemistry Workers Union, and in 1932 she was the Central Secretary of the Austrian Socialist Womens group. One year later she was elected to the federal board of the Social Democratic Workers Party. After February of 1934 Jochmann joined the Revolutionary Socialists, and was arrested in 1935 for distributing illegal writings. In 1939 she was arrested again and in 1940 she was transferred to the Ravensbru?ck concentration camp, where she was the mediator between the prisoners and warehouse directors.
In 1945 Jochmann returned to Vienna. She spent the following decade stabilizing and improving the image of the Social Democratic Party.
Furthermore, she was a key figure in the discussion of Kurt Waldheim and in the scientific and journalistic discussion of Nazism. Jochmann was a member of the board of directors until 1967, and from 1959 to 1967 she was the deputy chairwoman of the Social Democratic Party of Austria. She was also a delegate in the Austrian National Assembly. In 1967 she withdrew from all her official functions.
Her entire life was spent fighting for freedom, democracy and human dignity. Despite years of arrest she was an untiring activist against fascism and political oppression. She also fought in the resistance movement against Austro-fascism, and Nazism. Rosa Jochmann died in 1994 in Vienna. She was an honorary citizen of the city of Vienna and won numerous prizes, including the Bruno Kreisky Prize in 1981.