Note: The following article was written during the lifetime of the prize winner. Erich Weisbier died on May 19, 2013.
As early as 1962, Erich Weisbier had active contact with the underground democratic movement in Spain.
Even during the dictatorship in Spain, his active support had led to his appeals and interventions to the release of prisoners and the lifting of executions of death sentences.
In the following years he helped in solidarity actions, as well as the organization of donations, production of literature, and creation of a democratic organization. All of these matters came in the time period following Franciso Francos dictatorship in Spain.
His active participation had begun to help their cause even while the dictatorship still existed. Weisbiers intervention caused the release of unfairly imprisoned people, and the capital punishment law was repealed. The Spanish officials in high-ranking positions appreciated the politically significant work of Erich Weisbier.
Consequently, in the mid-eighties extensive contact between him and the rulers of democratic Spain began. He brought a lot to the table, like his gift for organizing and wisdom from his political experiences. Weisbier personally improved the relationship between Austria and Spain. He was honored with the Bruno Kreisky Prize for Human Rights for his more than 20 year long work for the creation of a democratic society in Spain.