The Bruno Kreisky Archive Foundation was founded in 1984 by Bruno Kreisky and the industrialist Karl Kahane and began its scientific work in February 1985. Its goal is to secure, index and evaluate the written documents as comprehensively as possible, in particular also visual and audiovisual sources, which have emerged from Kreisky's activities as a politician, diplomat and statesman since the 1930s.
Bruno Kreisky and the industrialist Karl Kahane founded the Bruno Kreisky Archives in 1984. In February of 1985, they began their operation. Their goal was to create a comprehensive system for indexing and analyzing written material from Kreisky. They also index audiovisual material and pictures from Kreiskys life as a politician, diplomat and statesman since the 1930s.
These important historical documents are combined with personal accounts from Dr. Bruno Kreisky. They make for a valuable, political documentation of a period of Austrian history.
The experiences that Kreisky had and the strategies that he implemented as a politician are also included. In this manner they have been made available to the public, including future generations of politicians.
The members of the Archive research historical topics using the available materials.
Based on the materials it administers, the foundation carries out contemporary historical research itself.
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