Bruno Kreisky Foundation

for Human Rights

Gesellschaft der Freunde der Universität Tel Aviv / Association of the Friends of the University of Tel Aviv (Austria)

The Constituent General Assembly of the Society of Friends of
The first constituent general meeting of the Association of the Friends of the University of Tel Avid took place on the 5th of February 1980.

The Austrian non-profit organization supports joint projects with the University Tel Aviv, through presentations, lectures, exhibits, as well as publications that promote scientific exchange. Numerous, long-time contacts between scientists from Austrian universities and scientists from the University of Tel Aviv have also been forged. Currently thirteen joint scientific projects are being carried out, and the Friends of the University organization financially support some of them.

They received the Bruno Kreisky Prize for Human Rights for a specific project of theirs entitled „battle the hunger.“ This project focused on improving the natural robustness of plants, especially when facing extreme weather conditions, insects, and diseases.

The significance of this project is evident, with the world food situation, and the millions of people in developing countries who are malnourished. With the success of these studies their lives could improve. The awarding of the Kreisky Prize recognized the long-term humanitarian efforts of their organization.