The oldest human rights organization in Austria was founded in 1926 as part of the international federation of human rights leagues. Even then, humanistic people of different political affiliations and professional groups appeared
The Austrian League for Human Rights is the oldest human rights organization in Austria. It was established in 1926 as a sub-group of the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues. From the beginning it has connected people of different political groups and occupations. They were well known for their promotion of universal human rights. The Austrian League for Human Rights believed that every
country should comply with the internationally recognized basic human rights. In 1945 they reappeared and continued their promotion of human rights as inalienable and indivisible.
recognized basic human rights. The League for Human Rights, revived in 1945, is a guardian of the observance of inalienable and indivisible human rights.
Beginning in 1946, they began to regularly publish a periodical for their members called The Human Rights. It was renamed in 2003 and is now known as the league. It claims to be a professional medium that informs its members on human rights issues. They often focus on issues that are forgotten by society and in everyday political life. Their coverage gives insight into different life situations that are discriminated against, and related human rights violations.