Bruno Kreisky Foundation

for Human Rights

Latif Dori (Israel)

Note: The following article was written during the lifetime of the award winner. Latif Dori died on July 5, 2023 in Ramat Gan.

Latif Dori is an Israeli peace activist who has been fighting for decades for an end to Israeli-Palestinian violence. He is the head of the Committee for Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue. Israelis of oriental origin in Israel founded this organization. In 1987 the Committee met with the PLO in an attempt at peace dialogues. They advocated a cease-fire in Israel, while talks were being held to come to a just conclusion. In the 1980s the Committee was fighting against the Israeli law that the PLO was a terrorist organization. The consequences of this categorization, made it illegal for Israelis to meet with members of the PLO, even if they were doing so in efforts to try and create peace between the two ethnic groups.

Latif Dori is still the Secretary of the Committee for Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue. In 2006 he spoke out against the Israeli government’s military action against the Palestinian and Lebanese. He claimed that while these actions began as anti-terrorist efforts, they had turned into independent military initiatives which had harmed civilians. He called for an end to the Israeli massacres of Palestinian and Lebanese people (Nablus) Amin Abu Wardeh Friday, 21 July 2006.Latif Dori is still the Secretary of the Committee for Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue. In 2006 he spoke out against the Israeli government’s military action against the Palestinian and Lebanese. He claimed that while these actions began as anti-terrorist efforts, they had turned into independent military initiatives which had harmed civilians. He called for an end to the Israeli massacres of Palestinian and Lebanese people (Nablus) Amin Abu Wardeh Friday, 21 July 2006.