The International Center for Peace in the Middle East has members from all over the world. The honorary president was Judge Haim Cohn and Abba Eban was chairperson. They are not politically affiliated in any way.
The goal of the center is to lay the ground level for peace in a region plagued by war. They hoped to pave the way by creating an understanding between different peoples to overcome stereotypes. Their short-term goal was to begin talks between various peoples, but they also had more long-term goals to dismantle stereotypes. Their information and research began with Israeli Jews coming from Asian backgrounds. They are not a minority in Israel, on the contrary largely make up the orthodox conservative demographic group and were often falsely portrayed by the media as incredibly successful.
Ultimately, the International Center for Peace in the Middle East, Tel-Aviv, are trying to prepare the Israeli people to make compromises with the Arabic world.
Finally, the International Center for Middle East Peace is trying to prepare the Israeli people to compromise with the Arab world.